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Business Response Survey to the Coronavirus Pandemic

BRS 2020 Tables

Table Contents State
2 Experienced various coronavirus pandemic impacts on their business operations XLS
5 Made various employment and payroll changes in response to the coronavirus pandemic XLS
8 Continued paying employees told not to work during the coronavirus pandemic while they were not working XLS
11 Paid health insurance premiums for some employees told not to work XLS
14 Offered telework (work remotely) to employees as a result of the coronavirus pandemic XLS
17 Increased the amount of paid sick leave provided to employees as a result of the coronavirus pandemic XLS
20 Received a coronavirus-related loan or grant tied to rehiring or maintaining employees on the payroll XLS


Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Table Contents State
23 Told employees not to work and received a coronavirus-related loan or grant that also paid employees who were told not to work XLS
26 Told employees not to work and did NOT receive a coronavirus-related loan or grant that also paid employees who were told not to work XLS
29 Told employees not to work and received a coronavirus-related loan or grant that also paid health insurance premiums for some employees told not to work XLS
32 Told employees not to work and did NOT receive a coronavirus-related loan or grant that also paid health insurance premiums for some employees told not to work XLS
35 Received a coronavirus-related loan or grant and experienced a shortage of supplies or inputs XLS
38 Received a coronavirus-related loan or grant and experienced a decrease in demand XLS
41 Received a coronavirus-related loan or grant and experienced a government-mandated closure XLS
44 Did NOT receive a coronavirus-related loan or grant and experienced a shortage of supplies or inputs XLS
47 Did NOT receive a coronavirus-related loan or grant and experienced a decrease in demand XLS
50 Did NOT receive a coronavirus-related loan or grant and experienced a government-mandated closure XLS
53 Experienced a government-mandated closure and either reduced employees' hours or told employees not to work XLS
56 Did NOT experience a government-mandated closure and reduced employees' hours or told employees not to work XLS
59 Received a coronavirus-related loan or grant and told employees not to work XLS
62 Did NOT receive a coronavirus-related loan or grant and told employees not to work XLS


Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics